Friday, December 02, 2011

Chopping OS 10k raster maps

Another post in the series 'things I found in my mailbox that I mailed myself as an aide-memoire'

This one relates to the chopping up of map tiles. In this case, the tiles were supplied in a directory tree.

The post:

10k files come in a tree so we need to flatten it:

Copy the OS files from the dir tree to a flat dir:

for /R d:\data %i IN (*.jpg) DO xcopy %i c:\dest /S

Add the associated .tab files (in order to provide geo-referencing)

Download FWTools

and run the shell

Build a virtual raster

gdalbuildvrt 10k.vrt *.tif

Convert virtual raster to actual ECW (ERMapper Compressed Wavelets)

gdal_translate -of ECW -co LARGE_OK=YES -expand rgb -a_srs EPSG:27700 10k.vrt 10k.ecw

Process the ECW with a tiler such as

or, with the GUI

A nice summary and related info

Mapping brain-dump archive

While clearing out my unused Gmail labels and I keep coming across tidbits that it appears I at one time felt would be useful to hang on to, if not for any practical technical purpose then as nostalgia.

Deciding that my mailbox isn't really the most appropriate place for such 'memories', I'm dumping them here.

Perhaps some day they'll be useful to me or some other soul.

Here are the links and their somewhat terse descriptions which obviously meant a lot at the time:

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Deep Zoom API

Is there a Deep Zoom API?
No API yet but this discussion explains the use of the SparseImageTool.exe to achieve a degree of automation.

OK, felt the need to post this link from the above forum. Hven't tried it out yet but Giorgio Sardo has apparently built a c# wrapper around the SparseImageTool.exe

Deep Zoom Imagemapping

Trying to find how to make an imagemap style Deep Zoom collection in a similar way to the way the Hard Rock Memorabillia site does and came across this post by Jim Lynn. It explains how to go about making a hit detector by explaining all the head messing stuff surrounding pixel sizes, viewport origins and widths and so on. Coupled with some talking to javascript, we have a means of calling javascript functions when a particular DZ sub image is in a particular part of the viewport. Yay!

Make sure your Silverlight object has an onLoaded handler associated with it, so:
<param value="OnSilverlightLoaded" name="onload">
or set the OnLoad attribute in the asp:silverlight tag if using the .aspx route

Then add the following javascript functions:

function OnSilverlightLoaded(sender, args)
document.getElementById("sl1").Content.EntryPoint.CallbackToBrowser = onManagedCallback;
// where sl1 is the clientID of the Silverlight Control
// You _should_ be able to use sender but I couldn't get this to work and I had to go feed the baby!

// Our callback handler
function onManagedCallback(sender, args)
// Basically, do whatever. The _stuff_ is in args.Data
var target = document.getElementById("eventDiv");
eventDiv.innerHTML = args.Data;

In your Page.xaml.cs

public event EventHandler CallbackToBrowser;

public class EventArgs : EventArgs
private T _data;
public EventArgs(T args)
_data = args;

public T Data
return _data;

private void DetectCollision()
if (CallbackToBrowser != null)
int imageIndex = -1;
Point viewportCenter = new Point();
viewportCenter.X = msi.ViewportOrigin.X + (msi.Width/ 2);
viewportCenter.Y = msi.ViewportOrigin.Y + (msi.Height / 2);
if (HitTest(msi, viewportCenter, ref imageIndex))
CallbackToBrowser(this, new EventArgs("We hit: " + imageIndex.ToString()));
CallbackToBrowser(this, new EventArgs("No image"));

/// Given an element point relative to the DeepZoom image
/// return whether the point hits any subimages in the collection
/// parentImage: Parent image whose subimages we want
/// to test
/// p: Point to test (in element coordinate space)
/// imageindex: index into the SubImages collection
/// returns: true if a hit was found
private bool HitTest(MultiScaleImage parentImage, Point p, ref int imageindex)
bool gotHit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < parentImage.SubImages.Count; i++)
MultiScaleSubImage image = parentImage.SubImages[i];
// Start with the logical origin of the image
Point topLeft = image.ViewportOrigin;

// Relative to the parent image, this coordinate is
// scaled by ViewportWidth (and the coords are negative)
topLeft.X = -(topLeft.X / image.ViewportWidth);
topLeft.Y = -(topLeft.Y / image.ViewportWidth);

// Calculate the logical width relative to the parent
double width = 1 / image.ViewportWidth;
// And get the height from the aspect ratio
double height = width / image.AspectRatio;

// Create a point representing the bottom left logical point
Point bottomright = new Point(topLeft.X + width, topLeft.Y + height);

// Now we've got the topleft and bottom right points
// in coordinates relative to the parent MultiScaleImage
// We can now use LogicalToElement to convert to Silverlight
// coordinates
topLeft = parentImage.LogicalToElementPoint(topLeft);
bottomright = parentImage.LogicalToElementPoint(bottomright);

// Now do the hit test
Rect r = new Rect(topLeft, bottomright);
if (r.Contains(p))
gotHit = true;
imageindex = i;
image.Opacity = 1;
image.Opacity = 0.8;
return gotHit;

and then call

in the appropriate handlers. If you edit the Page.xaml.cs generated by Deep Zoom Composer then it will contain a block of code containing the appropriate handlers for zooming and dragging written by Messrs Lutz Gerhard, Peter Blois, and Scott Hanselman.

I added it to the MouseLeftButtonUp handler, MouseMove handler and Zoom method

Monday, May 19, 2008

Premier Pro CS3 Multicam

Using the multicam support in PP CS3 is a pretty straightforward. WHen I first set it up I watched some chap's video tutorial (read as torturial) where he described the process with four cameras, explaining each process for each camera. Tedious.

Here's my abridged version from a developer's perspective:

create sequence 'multicam'
foreach camera source
import source to bin
create sequence
add video to sequence
add sequence to 'multicam'
create sequence 'final'
add 'multicam' to 'final'
right click 'final' sequence, select multi-camera and enable

Note that video track #1 will, by default, be used as the audio source. You can of course swap around afterwards.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

.NET Custom Validation ValidationProperty

Chances are that if I write it here I'll never have to read it again as the mere action of blogging it will ingrain it deeply into my long term memory.

When defining a custom control which needs to participate in validation, precede the class definition with: